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Meet the Staff at Walnut Creek Dentistry



Office Manager

Brandy is the Office Manager at Walnut Creek Dental as of 2021. She has been a Dental Assistant, who has been assisting since 1990. Brandy enjoys the outdoors, taking long walks on her countryside property and capturing photos of nature and wildlife. What she enjoys most of all, is spending quality time with her husband and son.



Dental Hygienist

Karie has been with us since 2001. She grew up in Montana and moved here for hygiene school. She graduated from Stark State College at the top of her class, and has been recognized nationally for her outstanding hygiene skills. She loves her patients and it shows by all of the compliments she receives. Karie enjoys spending time with her adorable family of 4 children, their families, and her loving husband.



Expanded Functions Dental Assistant

Halie is our Expanded Functions Dental Assistant and she has been with us since 2023. She is a graduate from Stark State College in North Canton Ohio. Halie loves to help educate our patients inside and outside of the office. When she is not in the office, she is usually working her other job as a Real Estate Agent. Some of Halie’s hobbies include food preserving such as Canning, Gardening in the summer, hanging out in the pool and riding her E- Bike. She enjoys spending time with her Husband, Family and her dog Kia.



Expanded Functions Dental Assistant

Faith is a CDA, EFDA, she studied dental assisting and expanded functions at Eastern Gateway College. She has assisting experience in many procedures including Endodontics, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery and restorative dentistry. Faith is patient- focused, driven to provide a personable experience along with the highest quality of care possible. She enjoys building relationships with her patients and educating them on the importance of their overall oral health. In her free time, she competes in barrel racing with her horse. She also enjoys spending time with her family and dog Mazie.


Hygiene Assistant

Trew is our Dental Hygiene Assistant, and has been a Dental Assistant since 2019. She enjoys getting to know each patient and providing a personal touch for each patient encounter. Trew enjoys spending time with her Husband, and being in the outdoors.



Business Assistant

Tessa has been working in the dental field since 2017 as a certified dental assistant. She is now our business assistant and has been working at the front desk since 2023. Tessa is happily married with a little boy born in 2023. She also moved to the city of Dover with her family in 2023. 2023 was a big year for Tessa.